Committee, Helpers and You - at 2015

THIS PAGE IS IN PROCESS OF BEING UPDATED - contact us if you would like to volunteer...

Committee Roles and Personnel:
The committee is a friendly group which assists members with LETS activities, and encourages the growth of the organisation through social events and publicity. Help is always needed, so please to let us know if you have any time to offer. To contact the committee you can email:
The Committee are elected at the AGM in accordance with the LETS constitution,
Chairperson: Compiles agendas for and chairs meetings, supports committee and ensures that necessary tasks are being managed between them, mediates, manages the Admin Fund which pays out reekies for the work of running the group. Grows membership and awareness of LETS (e.g. by representing LETS at external events). Liaises with and authorises subscription payments to the national body, LETSlink UK. Moyra
Minutes Secretary: Assists Chair if required on preparing meeting agendas, records minutes of meetings; circulates them to committee for amendments, posts them on website, and files them. Emails members with link to minutes and notices of meetings, requesting agenda items. formerly Kirsteen
Membership: Responds to enquiries and Membership Applications, creates membership records; receives, records and banks enrolment fees, files paperwork for the treasurer. Welcomes new and potential members, invites them to meetings, and ensures that they have access to update their profiles and listings. Inactivates accounts when members have left the area or wish to retire. Manages the Social Fund, in consultation with other senior committee members, to provide support to members who need it.
formerly Nahid
Treasurer: Monitors income from membership fees. Chases renewals, moving the expire date forward accordingly. Makes Reekie payments from Exchange Fund where appropriate. Sets and monitors Sterling Budget, compiles monthly or quarterly and end of year accounts. Jeni
LETS Administrator: Helps members who need support with their Reekie transactions, assists members with accounts in serious commitment, by identifying potential trading partners, and sets individual limits where required. Keeps the committee informed about the progress of trading. Carries out annual fee-take into the system account, having reimbursed recently enrolled members in respect of their joining date. Moves funds into the Admin, Social and Exchange Funds according to agreed budgets. ----
Directory Editor: Follows up new members to ensure that they have logged on have put data in their profile, uploaded a photo, and have posted Offers and Wants. Edits neighbourhoods to conform with named areas on the grid. Edits listings to maintain a good standard of presentation, arranges training and support, matches buddies where required.
Events Organiser: Organises and advertises social events aided by the committee and events helpers, delegating management of specific events as appropriate. Posts notices of forthcoming events on News & Events and the back-up information page with additional member-only information, ensures that News items and Newsletters are correctly linked on the Events Page and emails members with a link to relevant website pages.
Joan and Marilynn
Newsletter Editor Emails members with requests for news items, circulates draft Newsletter to committee for their input, uploads completed Newsletter on website and creates link in News Menu. Circulates message to members with specific link to newsletter. formerly Kirsteen
Outreach Officer to expand the membership, and achieve a better spread of membership throughout the City (and Midlothian) - see Neighbourhood Grid, liaises with outside organisations, and attracts new skills into the system. ----

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Website Help
Webmaster: Maintains website hosting and design, undertakes role analysis, trains the committee on using online system to the best effect for managing the group and resolves technical issues. Mary (LETSlink)
Website Editor: Assists committee members in using the online system to assist their roles, and where necessary edits the content of the website, as requested by the committee, backs up database regularly.Kirsteen
Buddies: Some of our buddies (see above) can give practical help with managing the website. You can find them through the LETS directory by searching for "technical help", "buddying" or by emailing the admin team. LETS admin

There are two website tutorials: members tutorial and office-holders' tutorial. Please consult them before contacting us and we will update FAQs accordingly.

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How you can help
Please print off our posters and leaflets and distribute them.

Could you invite people to events? Or assist with events, e.g. baking, setting up, welcoming, etc. Do you have ideas for an event which you could organise? Could you take a role on the committee?

Whether you can only offer an occasional hour or more, please contact the admin team to let us know how you could help.

Ongoing needs are:

  • home-baking for events
  • people to do short workshops and talks
  • events organisers and helpers
  • fresh ideas for events and venues
  • artwork and photos for newsletters etc.
  • distribution of our posters and leaflets
See below for details of any helper or committee vacancies.

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Helpers  (People who give time when they’re available).
Social event helpers: set up the hall; greet people; bake; serve; wash up, etc.
    Current helpers: Jenny; Kirsteen; Helen; Margaret

volunteers needed
Buddies: Help to ensure that everyone is able to use LETS, regardless of their circumstances. e.g. administering the online accounts of people with limited computer access, providing access info; contacting inactive members to offer assistance, etc.)
    Current buddies: Nahid; Rosanna; Kirsteen; Joelle; Moyra

volunteers needed
Publicity team: Design, print and distribute publicity materials via noticeboards, press, emails, websites, Twitter, FB, etc. Compile Newsletter in consultation with Committee, and upload it on to the website.
    Current team: Joelle; Kirsteen; Chrissie

volunteers needed

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